Complete Deliverance [Part 2] – Apostle Joshua Selman

Generally speaking, the word DELIVERANCE connotes rescue or freedom from bondage, danger, or evil. Deliverance also means Salvation.Deliverance is the Scriptural strategy for experientially establishing the victory and authority of Jesus Christ over Satan and demonic forces, as it relates to the life and destiny of the believer. Deliverance and by extension spiritual warfare forContinue reading “Complete Deliverance [Part 2] – Apostle Joshua Selman”

What Seekest Thou by Apostle Joshua Selman. Mp3 Sermon download.

Only God can give the peace and happiness you seek.We attach our happiness to material thingsWhy we keep praying for things and lost our peace because we can’t get them.A jambite begging God for admissionHe got it, that temporal feeling of joy fade with time and now he is praying for some upgrade in hisContinue reading “What Seekest Thou by Apostle Joshua Selman. Mp3 Sermon download.”

Thy kingdom come by Apostle Joshua Selman. Mp3.

1 Corinthians 15:47-49, Matthew 6:10 There is a system in God that can help you manifest the image of the heaven. As we behold the heaven, we begin to experience transformation, and we begin to look heavenly, as we change from one glory to another glory is called transformation. The process that makes you toContinue reading “Thy kingdom come by Apostle Joshua Selman. Mp3.”

Ebook-A witness in my weakness (overcoming masturbation and sexual addictions) by Felix Olokede

You love the lord but it seems you can get over this bondage called lust! You have tried several times but it seems your flesh always prevail. Weep no more! Read and Engage this book and say bye to Pornography, masturbation forever. Introduction Sometime ago, after I had submitted to the will of my fleshContinue reading “Ebook-A witness in my weakness (overcoming masturbation and sexual addictions) by Felix Olokede”

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